Old Union Nursery School
Offering Programs for 2 to 5 year olds!
Class Programs
Class Programs
Two-Day Program - Teacher: Mrs. Smith
Tuesday and Thursday-9:30 to 12:00
Two-Day Program - Teacher: Mrs. Smith
Tuesday and Thursday-9:30 to 12:00
Age Requirement: Must be 2 by September 1st
(Toilet Training is not necessary for two-day class)
Age Requirement: Must be 2 by September 1st
(Toilet Training is not necessary for two-day class)
Tuition $3000.00 per year
$1500.00 per semester
$334.00 per month
Three-Day Program - Teacher: Mrs. Miller
Monday-Wednesday-Friday-9:30 to 12:00
Three-Day Program - Teacher: Mrs. Miller
Monday-Wednesday-Friday-9:30 to 12:00
Age Requirement: Must be 3 by September 1st
Children should be Toilet Trained
Age Requirement: Must be 3 by September 1st
Children should be Toilet Trained
Tuition: $3500.00 per year
$1750.00 per semester
$389.00 per month
Five-Day Program - Teacher: Mrs. Zajac
Monday through Friday-9:30 to 12:00
Five-Day Program - Teacher: Mrs. Zajac
Monday through Friday-9:30 to 12:00
Age Requirement: Must be 3 1/2 years by October 1st
Children MUST be Toilet Trained
Age Requirement: Must be 3 1/2 years by October 1st
Children MUST be Toilet Trained
Tuition: $4000.00 per year
$2000.00 per semester
$445.00 per month
Pre-Kindergarten - Teacher: Mrs. Malley
Monday through Friday-9:15 to 11:45
Age Requirement: Must be age eligible for Kindergarten the following year.
Age Requirement: Must be age eligible for Kindergarten the following year.
Tuition: $4700.00 per year
$2350.00 per semester
$523.00 per month
Before and After Elementary School Care
Our program runs Monday through Friday and your child may attend two, three, four or all five days a week. Any child attending the Wallingford-Swarthmore School District will be bused from Old Union to their school in the morning, and/or bused to Old Union from their school in the afternoon.
Registration Fee: $60.00 payable to Old Union Nursery School (non-refundable/non-deductable from tuition fee)
Cost of Programs:
7:30 – 8:30 $10.00 per child / $18.00 for two children
7:30 - 9:30 $18.00 per child / $24.00 for two children
8:30 - 9:30 $12.00 per child / $18.00 for two children
12:00 - 1:00 $15.00 per child / $20.00 for two children
12:00 - 3:00 $33.00 per child / $43.00 for two children
3:00 – 6:00 $18.00 per hour per child / $22.00 per hour for two children
Tuition Schedule
Tuition Schedule
Please be aware that tuition is calculated by the year. It can be paid monthly with the yearly price broken down into equal monthly payments for your convenience.
Full Tuition
(due by September 1st)
2 day -- $3000.00
3 day -- $3500.00
5 day -- $4000.00
Pre-K -- $4700.00
Semester Payments Â
(2 payments due September 1st and February 1st)
Semester Payments Â
(2 payments due September 1st and February 1st)
September 1st
2 day -- $1500.00
3 day -- $1750.00
5 day -- $2000.00
Pre-K -- $2350.00
February 1st-same as above
February 1st-same as above
Monthly Payments
(Payment due the first of each month from September - May)
2 day -- $334.00 per month
3 day -- $389.00 per month
5 day -- $445.00 per month
Pre-K -- $523.00 per month
Mother's Morning Out - Currently Unavailable
Hours 9:30 - 12:00 Monday through Friday
Sibling Discount 5% off nursery school tuition only
**$50.00 Late fee for payment received after due date **
** Registration fee is NON DEDUCTIBLE from tuition **
** Registration fee is non-refundable **
** $25.00 fee for returned checks **